Primary features of DataTables and their enablement state.
- <static> bAutoWidth :boolean
- Flag to say if DataTables should automatically try to calculate the
optimum table and columns widths (true) or not (false).
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bDeferRender :boolean
- Delay the creation of TR and TD elements until they are actually
needed by a driven page draw. This can give a significant speed
increase for Ajax source and Javascript source data, but makes no
difference at all fro DOM and server-side processing tables.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bFilter :boolean
- Enable filtering on the table or not. Note that if this is disabled
then there is no filtering at all on the table, including fnFilter.
To just remove the filtering input use sDom and remove the 'f' option.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bInfo :boolean
- Table information element (the 'Showing x of y records' div) enable
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bLengthChange :boolean
- Present a user control allowing the end user to change the page size
when pagination is enabled.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bPaginate :boolean
- Pagination enabled or not. Note that if this is disabled then length
changing must also be disabled.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bProcessing :boolean
- Processing indicator enable flag whenever DataTables is enacting a
user request - typically an Ajax request for server-side processing.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bServerSide :boolean
- Server-side processing enabled flag - when enabled DataTables will
get all data from the server for every draw - there is no filtering,
sorting or paging done on the client-side.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bSort :boolean
- Sorting enablement flag.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bSortClasses :boolean
- Apply a class to the columns which are being sorted to provide a
visual highlight or not. This can slow things down when enabled since
there is a lot of DOM interaction.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bStateSave :boolean
- State saving enablement flag.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bAutoWidth :boolean
Flag to say if DataTables should automatically try to calculate the
optimum table and columns widths (true) or not (false).
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bDeferRender :boolean
Delay the creation of TR and TD elements until they are actually
needed by a driven page draw. This can give a significant speed
increase for Ajax source and Javascript source data, but makes no
difference at all fro DOM and server-side processing tables.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bFilter :boolean
Enable filtering on the table or not. Note that if this is disabled
then there is no filtering at all on the table, including fnFilter.
To just remove the filtering input use sDom and remove the 'f' option.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bInfo :boolean
Table information element (the 'Showing x of y records' div) enable
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bLengthChange :boolean
Present a user control allowing the end user to change the page size
when pagination is enabled.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bPaginate :boolean
Pagination enabled or not. Note that if this is disabled then length
changing must also be disabled.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bProcessing :boolean
Processing indicator enable flag whenever DataTables is enacting a
user request - typically an Ajax request for server-side processing.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bServerSide :boolean
Server-side processing enabled flag - when enabled DataTables will
get all data from the server for every draw - there is no filtering,
sorting or paging done on the client-side.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bSort :boolean
Sorting enablement flag.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bSortClasses :boolean
Apply a class to the columns which are being sorted to provide a
visual highlight or not. This can slow things down when enabled since
there is a lot of DOM interaction.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.
- <static> bStateSave :boolean
State saving enablement flag.
Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To
set a default use DataTable.defaults.