DataTables settings object - this holds all the information needed for a
given table, including configuration, data and current application of the
table options. DataTables does not have a single instance for each DataTable
with the settings attached to that instance, but rather instances of the
DataTable "class" are created on-the-fly as needed (typically by a
$().dataTable() call) and the settings object is then applied to that
Note that this object is related to DataTable.defaults but this
one is the internal data store for DataTables's cache of columns. It should
NOT be manipulated outside of DataTables. Any configuration should be done
through the initialisation options.
Array referencing the nodes which are used for the features. The parameters of this object match what is allowed by sDom - i.e.
Sorting that is applied to the table. Note that the inner arrays are used in the following manner:
Sorting that is always applied to the table (i.e. prefixed in front of aaSorting). Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Array of indexes which are in the current display (after filtering etc)
Array of indexes for display - no filtering
List of options that can be used for the user selectable length menu. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Store information about each column that is in use
Store data information - see DataTable.models.oRow for detailed information.
Destroy callback functions - for plug-ins to attach themselves to the destroy so they can clean up markup and events.
Array of callback functions for draw callback functions
Store information about the table's footer
Callback function for the footer on each draw.
Store information about the table's header
Callback functions for the header on each draw.
Callback functions for when the table has been initialised.
Information about open rows. Each object in the array has the parameters 'nTr' and 'nParent'
Callback functions for just before the table is redrawn. A return of false will be used to cancel the draw.
Store the applied search for each column - see DataTable.models.oSearch for the format that is used for the filtering information for each column.
Callback functions array for every time a row is inserted (i.e. on a draw).
Array of callback functions for row created function
Functions which are called prior to sending an Ajax request so extra parameters can easily be sent to the server
Array of callback functions for state loading. Each array element is an object with the following parameters:
Callbacks for operating on the settings object once the saved state has been loaded
Callbacks for modifying the settings that have been stored for state saving prior to using the stored values to restore the state.
Array of callback functions for state saving. Each array element is an object with the following parameters:
Callbacks for modifying the settings to be stored for state saving, prior to saving state.
Search data array for regular expression searching
If restoring a table - we should restore its striping classes as well
Classes to use for the striping of a table. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Note if draw should be blocked while getting data
Indicate if when using server-side processing the loading of data should be deferred until the second draw. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Indicate if a redraw is being done - useful for Ajax
Flag attached to the settings object so you can check in the draw callback if filtering has been done in the draw. Deprecated in favour of events.
Indicate if all required information has been read in
Flag to indicate if jQuery UI marking and classes should be used. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Indicate that if multiple rows are in the header and there is more than one unique cell per column, if the top one (true) or bottom one (false) should be used for sorting / title by DataTables. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Flag attached to the settings object so you can check in the draw callback if sorting has been done in the draw. Deprecated in favour of events.
Callback function for cookie creation. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Format numbers for display. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Function to get the server-side data. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
The cookie duration (for bStateSave) in seconds. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Counter for the draws that the table does. Also used as a tracker for server-side processing
Draw index (iDraw) of the last error when parsing the returned data
tabindex attribute value that is added to DataTables control elements, allowing keyboard navigation of the table and its controls.
The last jQuery XHR object that was used for server-side data gathering. This can be used for working with the XHR information in one of the callbacks
DIV container for the footer scrolling table if scrolling
DIV container for the footer scrolling table if scrolling
The TABLE node for the main table
Cache the wrapper node (contains all DataTables controlled elements)
Permanent ref to the tbody element
Permanent ref to the tfoot element - if it exists
Permanent ref to the thead element
The classes to use for the table
Initialisation object that is used for the table
The DataTables object for this table
State that was loaded from the cookie. Useful for back reference
Property from a given object from which to read the table data from. This can be an empty string (when not server-side processing), in which case it is assumed an an array is given directly. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Source url for AJAX data for the table. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
The cookie name prefix. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
If restoring a table - we should restore its width
Dictate the positioning of DataTables' control elements - see DataTable.model.oInit.sDom. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Unique identifier for each instance of the DataTables object. If there is an ID on the table node, then it takes that value, otherwise an incrementing internal counter is used.
Which type of pagination should be used. Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Send the XHR HTTP method - GET or POST (could be PUT or DELETE if required). Note that this parameter will be set by the initialisation routine. To set a default use DataTable.defaults.
Cache the table ID for quick access
Paging display length
Paging start point - aiDisplay index
Set the display end point - aiDisplay index
Get the number of records in the current record set, after filtering
Get the number of records in the current record set, before filtering